Can Spotify Artists See Who Listens to Their Music?

Spotify is the most popular and successful streaming platform in the world. Spotify was launched in 2005. Spotify artist dashboard is a powerful tool, you can see how your music performing on spotify.

Spotify allows artists to see about their listeners in the dashboard.” Can Spotify artists see who listens?” Spotify artists can’t see the personal information about people who listen to their music usernames. Still, artists can see who is listening to their music user’s behavior, age, gender, and user location.

Spotify artist dashboard has four parts, home, music, audience, and profile. Spotify artists can see all the people who listened to their music, and who followed them In the audience, part.

Who is listing their music in terms of age, and gender? And can see the location of who listened to their music.

Spotify artists can see most streamed playlists and who created these playlists. Spotify artists can’t see who listens to their music daily. Spotify artists can view where their top fans are located.

Can Spotify Artists See? spotify artists can’t see information about the names of people who listen to their music. Spotify artists can see in the dashboard who listens to their music, age, gender, users’ behavior, and location.

Can Spotify Artists See Who Listens To Their Music On Spotify?

Spotify for Artists ( can see the most streamed music. Spotify artists can see who listens to their music and where they are located. But sptofiy artists can’t see a listener’s name and personal information. Spotify artists can also see their daily streams and daily listeners.

Spotify for artists

Artists Dashboard- Home

Spotify artist dashboard in the home section helps the artists find out, how many people are listening to their music right now. Spotify artists can view streaming information and followers in the past 7 days.

In spotify dashboard, the artist can view their top three views songs, and top three playlists.

Spotify Artists Dashboard Home

Real-time Listener

In the home section on the top left corner, spotify artists can see the people listening now in real-time worldwide. Spotify artists can’t see listener privacy and their identity.

Artists Dashboard- Music

In the music dashboard section, artists can view how many times they listened to their songs, streamed, and saved. Spotify artists can also view their top-listened songs in top countries and cities.

With the help of top listened songs, saved song spotify artists can find the save rate. And can find out who listens to their songs directly.

Spotify Artists Dashboard Music

Spotify Artists Dashboard Music 2

Artists Dashboard- Audience

In spotify artist dashboard audience section artists can view all the songs that listened, to and all their followers. Artists can view their audience’s gender and age. And top locations for streamed songs.

Spotify artists can view daily listeners, streams, and followers. In the dropdown menu artists can search last 7 days, 28 days, or since 2015.

Spotify artists can be compared to other artists. Find similar artists and artists can compare streams day to day.

The artist can see their source streams and where they coming from, listener age, and listener gender. The artists can also view who likes to their music. Their listener listens to it well.

The spotify artist can see top countries and top cities all over the world.


Spotify artists can view demographic data in the audience tab, including their listener age, and gender, the last 28 days.

Spotify Artists Dashboard Audience

Listeners age and gender

In the audience section artists can view their listener’s ages and gender.

Spotify Artists Dashboard Audience gender and age

Source of streams

Spotify artists dashboard helps the artists to find out where comes the source of streams.

Spotify Artists Dashboard Audience Source of streams

Spotify Artists Dashboard  Listeners also like


In the audience section, spotify artists can see the top countries and cities that most listened to their songs in the last 28 days.

Spotify Artists Dashboard Audience Top Countries

Spotify Artists Dashboard Audience Top Cities

Artists Dashboard- Profile

In spotify artist profile artist can change the spotify page itself. In the About section artist can edit his bio, images, and more info. The spotify artist can link their upcoming shows in concert taps.

In the profile tab artist can add a profile pic, a new release comes out, and a playlist the artist wants to promote or push. The artist can add their photos and text. If artists can’t up to date their playlists or release pushing that week or that month, it will expire.

Spotify Artists Profile In Dashboard

In the profile tab at the bottom artists can also add their playlist and remove playlist from the artist profile.

Follow the below steps to remove the playlist from the profile tab.

Step 1: Launch Spotify on the desktop.

Step 2: Open spotify artist profile tab.

Step 3: Select a playlist.

Step 4: Click the pencil icon.

Step 5: Then click on the “X” icon.

Step 6: Tap on “Remove“.

Remove Playlist Spotify Artist Profile

Step 7: Then click on “Save“.

The playlist will be removed from the artist’s profile. The artist can still listen to this playlist on Spotify after removing this playlist from the artist’s profile.

Spotify artist dashboard profile listeners can view their new songs collection, and purchase.

In the artist profile users can deep dive into the artist’s playlist. Spotify artists save their music in the profile section.

Can Spotify Artists See Who Are Their Top Listeners?

Spotify artists can’t see particular people who are listening to their music. Spotify does not provide information to artists that people who listen to their music.

That means Spotify artists can’t see who is listening to their music. But spotify artists can view who is listening to their music regularly.

Spotify is the most popular and best streaming service. Spotify helps artists to know who is listening to their music. Spotify artists can view their top listeners where they are in the world.

Spotify dashboard helps the artists to understand their audience. Spotify artist can find their top listeners in a specific area. This information helps the artists to know their listening habits.

Can Spotify Artist See Who Listens To Their Podcast?

No, Sptify artist can’t see who listens to their podcast.

Spotify artist can’t see who listens to their podcast.

Spotify artists can’t see their listeners’ names or IP addresses, Because sptofiy protects the listener’s privacy.

Spotify artists can view the number of plays, audience size, and per-episode plays.

Can Spotify Artist See Who Listens To Their Playlist?

No, Spotify artist can’t see who is listening to their playlist. In the spotify artist dashboard, an artist can view information about their listener’s age, location, gender, and listener’s behavior.

Spotify artist can also see their most streamed playlist and who created this. If you create a playlist, put artist songs on this playlist, and listen, then your username and playlist can be visible to the artist.

Spotify artists can view who made the playlist, how many listeners, streams, and the date were added.

Spotify artists can’t view individual information about their listener username or IP address

Spotify protects user privacy and does not share user personal data, with artists or any third party. If the Spotify playlist is public then the artist can see their playlist songs are added to.

If people find an artist’s playlist and follow this, then the artist can see who follows the playlist and listen to the playlist.

Spotify Artist Who Listens Playlist

Spotify Artists Features

Spotify feature helps the artists to find where are their top listeners located. This will help the artist market their music in specific areas. Artists can also find top countries and cities.

You can view the number of artists’ profiles, and find the most popular songs. Spotify artist can edit their profile, add photos, shoot videos, and make music playlists.

Spotify helps the artist to get more information about their audience and market their music more perfectly.


Can Spotify artists see who listens to their playlists?

No, Spotify artists can’t see who listens to their playlists. Spotify artists can’t view individual information about their listener username or IP address.

Can Spotify artists see who listens?

No, Spotify artists can’t see who is listening to their music. Spotify protects user privacy. Your artists can’t see who is listening to their music.

Can Spotify artists see who are their top listeners?

Spotify artists can’t find their top listeners due to spotify privacy.
Spotify artists can’t view the personal information about their listeners.

Can Spotify Artists See Who Listens to Their Music?

Spotify artist can’t see who listens to their music. spotify artists can only see their listener’s user behavior, age, gender, and user location.


Can Spotify Artists See? Spotify artists can’t view their listener’s personal information user name and IP address. Spotify artists can see user age, gender, location, and user behavior.

In spotify artists’ dashboards provide information about their songs and playlists. Spotify users who follow the artists. Spotify can’t share personal information about users with artists or any third party.

Spotify dashboard helps the artists find where are their top listeners located. This will help the artist market their music in specific areas.

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